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Can’t be more excited - Maker Faire Taipei 2017 is just around the corner!

The world’s amazing makers spotlight shifted to Taipei in 3-5 November as Maker Faire 2017 is about to kick off with the first in a series of exciting events. This time, 100FUN has explored the collaboration opportunity with Taipei counterparts, and led a group of dedicated local teachers to join this huge event. In an effort to promoting worldwide makers’ culture, 100FUN offers 3 key learning dimensions for teachers:

  • Schools to Schools

100FUN is keen on bringing a group of wholehearted HK teachers to meet the teachers from Taiwan. Lunch Gathering and Booth Display will be held to facilitate virtual and cultural exchange.

  • Makers to Markets

Teachers are invited to share in Taipei with all other makers. Through bringing a new breath of Hong Kong experience, makers can develop common knowledge, express opinions to refine a better concept.

  • FABLAB Visit

FABLAB is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention, providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship. A Fab Lab is also a platform for learning and innovation: a place to play, to create, to learn, to mentor, to invent. It is an extraordinary opportunity for our local teachers to connect learners, learners, educators, technologists, researchers, makers and innovators.

No matter what happens, let’s MAKE THIS HAPPEN!


Unit 512, InnoCentre, 

72 Tat Chee Ave,

Kowloon Tong


Tel: +852 8102 1610

Fax: +852 8102 1630



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